Concurrent execution of rc-scripts with rcorder(8)
joris dedieu
joris.dedieu at
Thu Aug 25 12:44:57 UTC 2011
2011/8/24 Vitaly Magerya <vmagerya at>:
>> the idea to start services concurrently during boot isn't new and the
>> question why FreeBSD doesn't do it has popped up on the forum and
>> mailing list occasionally. So, why not give it a shot?
> As someone who uses FreeBSD on hist laptop and is constantly annoyed
> by the lack of suspend-to-disk, every second trimmed of from boot
> time is a win.
> In line of the recent FreeBSD problems & solutions discussion, would
> any commiter take time to review and commit this? "FreeBSD 9.1
> introduces concurrent startup, improves boot speed" is the kind of
> buzz we're after.
>> Any ideas and feedback are very welcome!
> One thing to try is to attach a diagnostics feature that will produce
> data about rc script dependencies and execution times, which can
> be used to visualize which scripts take most time, and how to
> reorganize dependencies to improve boot time (one example I noticed
> is moused: it is only started after network is up, which is a shame,
> since it could easily start while DHCP negotiation is in progress).
Perhaps background_dhclient="YES" should solve it ? I think
background approach (which is current archlinux one [1] ) is not so
bad. It's clearly less powerful than automagic parallelization but
it's maybe less invasive and more flexible for sysadmins.
I gave it a try with a little patch for rc.subr that introduces a
background keyword (eg: moused_enable="background"). It's surly buggy
with some variables like rc_quiet. I have to check more.
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