Workaround automatic re-loading of network drivers

Doug Barton dougb at
Mon May 3 23:37:35 UTC 2010

Seems reasonable to me.


On 05/03/10 12:27, John Baldwin wrote:
> While testing some changes with vlans and the new vlan_<if> syntax in rc.conf 
> I've noticed the following behavior:
> 	ifconfig foo0.100 destroy
> Will actually try to kldload the 'foo' driver.  This can prove very non-
> intuitive.  In general I think we shouldn't try to kldload anything when 
> destroying an interface period.  What I've done locally is to pass '-n' to 
> ifconfig when destroying an interface.
> We should possibly fix some other bugs however.  For example, ifmaybeload() in 
> ifconfig should probably stop at the first non-digit it finds (e.g. ".") 
> rather than trimming from the first digit on.  Also, perhaps 'ifconfig <foo> 
> destroy' should imply -n without requiring it to be explicit.
> I also moved the ifconfig destroy of wlan and vlan devices up before running 
> ifn_stop to prevent running 'ifconfig <foo> down' which would also reload the 
> driver due to the first bug in ifconfig.
> Index: network.subr
> ===================================================================
> --- network.subr	(revision 207329)
> +++ network.subr	(working copy)
> @@ -915,7 +915,7 @@
>  	_list=
>  	for ifn in ${cloned_interfaces}; do
> -		ifconfig ${ifn} destroy
> +		ifconfig -n ${ifn} destroy
>  		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
>  			_list="${_list}${_prefix}${ifn}"
>  			[ -z "$_prefix" ] && _prefix=' '
> @@ -1000,10 +1000,10 @@
>  		if ! ifexists $child; then
>  			continue
>  		fi
> +		ifconfig -n $child destroy && cfg=0
>  		if autoif $child; then
>  			ifn_stop $child
>  		fi
> -		ifconfig $child destroy && cfg=0
>  	done
>  	child_vlans=`get_if_var $ifn vlans_IF`
> @@ -1014,10 +1014,10 @@
>  		if ! ifexists $child; then
>  			continue
>  		fi
> +		ifconfig -n $child destroy && cfg=0
>  		if autoif $child; then
>  			ifn_stop $child
>  		fi
> -		ifconfig $child destroy && cfg=0
>  	done
>  	return ${cfg}


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