rc.d/rc.subr support for multiple FIBs

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at quip.cz
Fri Mar 12 19:08:35 UTC 2010

Steve Polyack wrote:
> With multiple FIB support generally available in FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE it
> would be quite beneficial to have the ability to build routing tables in
> secondary FIBs as well as start certain applications in certain FIBs
> from within rc.conf(5).
> I've done some poking around and came across two PRs which implement
> exactly what I'm looking for:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=132483
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=132476
> My question is whether there are any plans to commit these into -CURRENT
> and possibly MFC them to a future 8.x-RELEASE. Having multiple FIBs
> available has been great so far, it goes hand and hand with Multi-IP
> Jails. The only thing missing are native methods for constructing the
> routing tables on boot (Yes, there is rc.local, but I don't want to go
> there...).

It seems there is not interest by developers or not enough man power to 
take it and commit.
I wrote about this PR in my e-mail in January:
But it was left without any reply and all mentioned PRs are untouched.

Miroslav Lachman

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