Profile rc idea

Nathan Lay nslay at
Thu May 28 23:41:51 UTC 2009

Hi list,
It would be interesting if rc was extended to support profiles.  Each 
profile would reflect a different system configuration.  For example 
profiles could describe the computing environment at: home, work, 
friend's house, airplane, etc... The active profile the system uses 
could be chosen based on some contingency condition.  For example, 
simply prompting the user to choose an rc profile at boot, or using 
hardware to choose the profile (e.g. like location based contingency 
using GPS hardware), or whatever...  I guess this only pertains to 
booting though, but rc seems like a natural place to do this.  Thoughts, 
comments?  Yet another idea I have no time to try...

Best Regards,
Nathan Lay

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