conf/126392: rc.conf ifconfig_xx keywords cannot be escaped

Sam Leffler sam at
Tue Aug 12 21:12:46 UTC 2008

Jean-Charles Longuet wrote:
> The following reply was made to PR conf/126392; it has been noted by GNATS.
> From: Jean-Charles Longuet <jclonguet at>
> To: bug-followup at, jclonguet at
> Cc:  
> Subject: Re: conf/126392: rc.conf ifconfig_xx keywords cannot be escaped
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 21:10:04 +0200
>   From what I understand, wpa_supplicant is only used by client stations. 
>  In my case, I am configuring an access point with hostapd for the wpa 
>  handling, and do not require wpa_supplicant in any way, hence the 
>  configuration line I added in the intial report.
>  More generaly, keywords can not be used anywhere in the ifconfig command 
>  line: you cannot set your ssid to such values, for example. There are 
>  workarounds, like running an extra ifconfig command in start_if.ath0, 
>  but that's just plain ugly, and I use FreeBSD to avoid this. Having an 
>  extra keyword meaning "do not look thereafter" could do the trick 
>  (something like "--" on command lines).
Using ifconfig to enable WPA authmode will never be useful.  I will 
remove it so it's not possible.  Not sure however if the rc scripts will 
recognize use of "WPA" for setting the ssid as distinct from the 
metta-keyword.  If not that is an issue.


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