conf/126392: rc.conf ifconfig_xx keywords cannot be escaped

Brooks Davis brooks at
Mon Aug 11 17:50:05 UTC 2008

The following reply was made to PR conf/126392; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Brooks Davis <brooks at>
To: Jean-Charles Longuet <jclonguet at>
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: conf/126392: rc.conf ifconfig_xx keywords cannot be escaped
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:43:34 -0500

 Setting "authmode WPA" makes no sense.  It's only supported by ifconfig for
 completeness and is useless without wpa_supplicant.  As such I can't see a
 reason to try to fix this.  Do you have a practical example?
 -- Brooks

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