rc.subr,, breaks amd_map_program="ypcat -k amd.master" in RELENG_6

Mike Makonnen mtm at FreeBSD.Org
Fri Oct 19 11:23:47 PDT 2007

On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 07:34:50AM -0600, John E Hein wrote:
>  > I agree.
>  > I think that modifying rc.d/amd is the proper solution here. It's probably
>  > a bug that it depends on run_rc_command()'s internal behaviour.
> I agree - it'd be best if run_rc_command could handle whatever you
> throw at it, but I'm not sure that's practical.
> If run_rc_command can't have newlines in the vars it uses as
> arguments, then one way to handle the bug is just to document it
> clearly in rc.subr (with the rc_flags and command_args comments).

I'm not sure that it is needed. In fact, I would normally assume that
any arguments would *not* contain newlines (only spaces) as argument
delimiters. As far as I am concerned, the fact rc.d/amd worked up until
this change is purely coincidental. In other words, the bug was in the
original implementation. It should be up to the script to do
whatever cleanup is needed on its input and try to pass sane values
to the rc.subr(8) routines. Going the other way and trying to make
the run_rc_command() routine permissive in what it accepts is probably
asking for trouble.

> A quick glance shows that the /etc/rc.d/syslogd script is the only(?)
> one that does something similar.  But it takes pains to convert
> newlines to spaces using tr(1) (although I think it's unnecessary to
> do so in a for loop - so, IMO, that tr(1) is superfluous and could be
> removed for the efficiency conscious - not tested ;).

I think you're right. I'll take a look at it.

[snip patch]
> That works fine, too (don't need the space in front of '>'), but I
> don't see the benefit to splitting it into two variables/lines.  Is it
> just a preferred style issue?  If so, please commit that separately or
> note it in the commit message so as not to confuse the issue for
> future cvs miners.

It's a matter of correctness. The rc_flags variable should contain only
arguments for the program. Any shell directives or extra switches the
script appends should go in command_args. But you're right, it's a
separate issue.

Mike Makonnen         | GPG-KEY: http://people.freebsd.org/~mtm/mtm.asc
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mtm @ FreeBSD.Org     | FreeBSD - http://www.freebsd.org

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