[patch] kill process after a timeout

Sam Lawrance boris at brooknet.com.au
Sun Jan 29 05:38:55 PST 2006


This patch adds the ${name}_stop_timeout variable.  When set, rather  
than simply wait on the PIDS after sending a -TERM signal, they will  
be kill -9'ed after the specified timeout in seconds.

For example, with a tomcat script I'm working on, I set  
jakarta_tomcat41_stop_timeout=10, then

# sh tomcat41.sh forcestop
Stopping jakarta_tomcat41.
Waiting (max 10 secs) for PIDS: 42864, 42864, 42864, 42864, 42864.

I need to do something like this anyway with the tomcat rc scripts, I  
figure it might be a useful addition to rc.subr.


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