rc(8) out-of-date.

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Wed Aug 30 17:54:41 UTC 2006

Duane Whitty wrote:

> On 6.X I've done some testing and, unless I misunderstood, it seems that
> scripts using the rcorder framework with the same dependencies, i.e.,
> with the same REQUIRE: elements, are processed lexicographically unless
> overridden with the BEFORE: element.  If BEFORE: is used then the script
> is {called|executed}? before the script named in the BEFORE: statement.
> Lexicographical processing is then resumed within the constraints
> established by the REQUIRE: statements.  Maybe that's what you already
> said though, or maybe I'm mistaken and it doesn't work like this? If so
> please feel free to ignore me. :)

It would be nice if you guys would actually read the whole man page. While
what you say here is correct (as far as I've thought it through) it's not
relevant to what the OP was concerned about.

If after reading the man page you're still not clear, or would like to
suggest improvements, feel free.




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