[RFC] rc.d integration for the bluetooth subsystem

Yar Tikhiy yar at comp.chem.msu.su
Tue Nov 8 22:39:03 PST 2005

On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 03:57:49PM -0800, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
> i also removed offending { } in while loop stdin redirection. if this is 

Thanks!  The handling of {} seems to be one of gray corners in sh(1)
syntax if it works as in the initial version of your script.  Another
one I've noticed is the case operator.  Your line was like this:

	case $line in

and it still worked for $line containing IFS chars.  sh(1) seems
to put double quotes aroung the word passed to case implicitly.
While such things may seem to make sh(1) coding a tad easier, I'm
afraid they shouldn't be relied upon.


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