[RFC] rc.d integration for the bluetooth subsystem

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at savvis.net
Tue Nov 1 13:51:08 PST 2005


please find the first draft of bluetooth rc.d scripts located at


this patch adds

1) /etc/rc.d/bluetooth script that will be used to start and stop 
bluetooth devices. it will be called by devd(8) in response to device 
arrival and departure events. the script also supports _optional_ per 
device configuration. per device configuration is stored in 
/etc/rc.conf.d/bluetooth.$dev file, where $dev is the driver name of the 
device, i.e. ubt0, sio4, btccc1

2) /etc/rc.conf.d/bluetooth.device.sample script. this is just an 
example. it should be copied to /etc/rc.conf.d/bluetooth.$dev and then 
defaults can be adjusted. once again if there is no 
/etc/rc.conf.d/bluetooth.$dev script then reasonable defaults will be used.

3) required changes to /etc/Makefile, /etc/mtree/BSD.root.dist, etc. to 
hook up new scripts to the build.

i'd appreciate any feedback you might have.

this work is inspired by the patches from Panagiotis Astithas.


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