rc.d/ldconfig change

Florent Thoumie flz at xbsd.org
Wed Dec 28 17:22:35 PST 2005

On Thursday 29 December 2005 01:36, Doug Barton wrote:
> Florent Thoumie wrote:
> > I don't much care about where it's stored, I figured out that etc/ was a
> > good candidate because /etc/ had already ld.so.conf but libdata is fine
> > with me.
> Ok, let's go with that unless someone else has a better idea.
> > Note that I modified BSD.local.dist in latest version of the patch.
> I did after I finished reading the thread. :) Good catch.
> >>> Here's what I was thinking about (see attached patch).
> >>>
> >>> This way, I can imagine a USE_LDCONFIG variable containing
> >>> directories and bsd.port.mk would just :
> >>>
> >>> .if defined(USE_LDCONFIG) echo ${USE_LDCONFIG} >
> >>> ${PREFIX}/etc/ld.so.conf.d/${UNIQUENAME} .endif
> >>
> >> I would use touch here, but I won't quibble.
> >
> > Not sure how you could do the same thing with only touch.
> Ok, I think I'm confused about one part of the patch or another then. It
> seems from your rc.d/ldconfig patch that all you are looking at are the
> names of the files in the ldconfig_local_d directories, but it occurs to me
> now that just the names won't really help, you actually need to store the
> paths to feed to ldconfig somewhere, which I presume is what you were going
> to include in the USE_LDCONFIG variable. Am I right so far? If so, then I
> don't understand how your patch to rc.d/ldconfig is going to work, but I
> may be missing something. :)

	Hum, I'm actually using paths stored in files located in ld.so.conf.d/ 

	For example, you could have :

	# cat /usr/local/libdata/ld.so.conf.d/compat4x

Florent Thoumie
flz at FreeBSD.org
FreeBSD Committer
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