Should etc/rc.d/ike move to ports?

Doug Barton dougb at
Fri Dec 16 18:21:17 PST 2005

Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

> Yes, that's what I (wanted to) say. ("my" then = post-MFC, post-fix_ports).
> Pav's PR will get us support for this in, the rest is
> fixing the ports to be rc.d compatible and repo-copies.

That's great, although ironically I _just_ ran into a situation where that 
is not the ideal way to do it. :)  I am working on updating misc/compat5x to 
use an rc.d-style script, and tried doing it the way that you suggested, 
with When tried to create the boot script however, 
I got an error because work/compat5x already existed, it was the directory 
in work where the tarball unpacked itself. Most of the time this is not 
going to be a problem, as the source directory will be versioned (like 
foopkg-1.2.3), but this is a corner case that should be kept in mind.

For now I'm going to suggest using for this particular case, it 
can be adjusted down the road if needed.



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