X does not work as regular user, but it does at root

Pete Long pete at valar.uk.net
Sat Apr 17 20:31:00 UTC 2021

> On 4/16/21 6:28 AM, Antonio Olivares wrote:

> Sorry for posting so many responses to my own thread. I apologize. I have
> fixed the problem, I reinstall xkbcomp and I also just deleted
> server-0.xkm. After reinstalling xkbcomp, I sudo cd /tmp/server-0.xkm and
> I found 3 directory's from my original usr/home/mrfree directory. After
> deleting them all I then deleted server-0.xkm and now everything is back
> in working order. Terribly sorry for the thread guys, hopefully it will
> help someone out one day

Don't apologise. People like yourself have helped me numerous times by
coming back to the discussion and stating what worked.

I know I wasn't involved but I thought it worth mentioning.


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