xkeyboard-config No X

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 13:14:16 UTC 2021

Dear kind FreeBSD users,

I have successfully installed FreeBSD 13 on an old eight core machine.
I was unsuccessful installing FreeBSD 12 and FBSD 13RC1 to RC3/4.  I
succeeded this time.  Maybe the failures were due to hard disk
problems(tried new 240 GB SSDs), but it did not matter.  I had an
older 7200 Hard disk which had FreeBSD8.3 or so, and I tried it and it
worked.  Sadly I do not have X because I get error

drmn0: fb0: radeon drmfb frame buffer device
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler reports:
> Error:  Cannot open "/tm/server-0.xkm" to write keyboard description...
Connection refused.

What can I try to get it working.  I have compiled drm-kmod fbsd13

The command kld_list="amdgpu" is loaded in /etc/rc.conf



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