Microsoft Teams for Linux

Jerry jerry at
Sat May 9 15:42:12 UTC 2020

On Sat, 9 May 2020 09:41:57 -0500, D'Arcy Cain commented:
>Don't feed the troll.  Don't feed the... Damn!  I can't help myself.
>On 2020-05-09 07:11, Jerry wrote:
>>> 	I still need to own a Windows license to do that - I do
>>> not.  
>> I need a license to operate a motor vehicle. I have a choice; get a  
>How is that a choice?  Were you around when your state was created and
>did you agree to the rules?  The rest of us were born into our
>situation and there is no free choices available to us so we have to
>follow the rules enforced by others with guns.  You might even argue
>that is makes for a good system but don't pretend that it is voluntary.

No, were you?

>> license and drive my vehicle, or don't secure a license and then find
>> other modes of transportation. I cannot carry a gun (in most states)
>Every other mode of transportation is regulated, even walking, so no

That is a gross exaggeration, and funny.

>> without a license. There are literally hundreds of examples of where
>> there is a prerequisite require. Think about it. Doctors, lawyers,
>> all need to secure a license before they can work in their field.  
>Forcing people to get permission from the state before doing what they
>love is not the definition of choice.

I have a coworker who I despise. I would relish the thought of doing to
them what I use to do to insurgents while I was in the US Marines.
Unfortunately, the government will not allow me to carry out my
desires. However, I do actually have a choice. I can dispose of said
coworker and then hope I am not caught.

>> Your complaint is invalid. It is a personal choice that you are
>> freely making.  
>That's like saying that I freely gave my money to the mugger who
>threatened to kill me if I didn't.

You DID have a choice. You chose the one of least resistance.

>> By the way, I have never met any open-source enthusiast who had any
>> qualms regarding pilfering software sans payment and using it for
>> their  
>Then you never met me or most of my friends in the open source
>community.  It sounds like you are describing Windows users.  I have
>met many Windows users who either run stolen software or are happy to
>share their non-free software with others.  I don't even have to ask.
>I am always being offered a free copy of Windows or Office.

Yes, I have in years gone by, offered copies of some select software I
owned to a few friends. Usually, it was out of necessity. I needed to
motivate them.

You can download a free copy of Windows anytime you want. I think it
will work for 30 days before it requires a license. Office, as far as I
remember, works the same way. I have not pilfered software in over two
decades, so I really cannot say for sure.

The "open-source" community is by definition a socialistic endeavor.
Now, if you want to give me something for free or if I want to respond
in kind, that is our right. However, I have NO RIGHT to expect anyone
else to accept those terms or work sans payment.

You sound like a true anarchist. You don't happen to be a cult leader
or under the immediate influence of one, are you? What a great world we
would have if there were no laws. We could kill, rape, plunder, steal
and ravish as we felt like. Is this really the world you want? We have
one poster screaming that we need "standards" and you proposing that we
should abolish laws. Two diabolically opposed concepts.


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