ZFS system can no longer boot - zfs_alloc()/zfs_free() mismatch

Steve Wills swills at FreeBSD.org
Fri May 8 13:37:04 UTC 2020


Nope, this was a desktop I was using as a server. I'm not using that 
host any more, but I could pull it out of the closet if needed...


On 5/8/20 9:32 AM, Joseph Mingrone wrote:
> Steve Wills <swills at FreeBSD.org> writes:
>> I didn't solve it, I avoided it by renaming the kernel directory and reinstalling the kernel, forcing the bits to be in a different physical
>> location on disk... The only theory I had at the time was that the bits were beyond some arbitrary 4G limit or something, but that was just a
>> wild idea. Good luck, that's super frustrating.
>> Steve
> Interesting.  Was this with your X220?  If so, maybe there is something
> up with the BIOS.  In case it's useful, this is an X220 with 8 GB RAM.
> % zpool status
>    pool: zroot
>   state: ONLINE
>    scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0 days 00:49:21 with 0 errors on Thu May  7 17:30:55 2020
> config:
>          NAME            STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>          zroot           ONLINE       0     0     0
>            mirror-0      ONLINE       0     0     0
>              ada0p4.eli  ONLINE       0     0     0
>              ada1p4.eli  ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
> % zpool list
> zroot   228G   198G  30.0G        -         -    74%    86%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
> Don't judge me too harshly about the free space. :)
> Joe
>> On 5/7/20 7:59 PM, Joseph Mingrone wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> As it says in the subject line, my system stopped booting for some
>>> unknown reason.  It might have been after upgrading from 12.1-p2 to
>>> -p4, but I'm unsure.  It sounds similar to this issue:
>>> https://twitter.com/alelab_/status/1222437570501644291
>>> Allan and I tried debugging for a few hours today, but without
>>> success.  We tried replacing the boot code and the loaders, but the
>>> result was the same.  We also tried booting from a usb thumb drive,
>>> then `set currdev=zfs:zroot/ROOT/default:` and `boot`, but the same
>>> error is shown.
>>> Steve and Kyle, did you ever solve this problem?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joe

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