Brother HL-L2340D printer and lpd?

Steve O'Hara-Smith steve at
Tue May 5 10:25:15 UTC 2020

On Tue, 5 May 2020 05:47:29 -0400
Jerry <jerry at> wrote:

> In any case, this will only assist you with printing. All of the other
> functions that are readily available on a Windows machine are usually
> cloaked away from FreeBSD operators. Brother does supply some utilities
> for Linux and Debian, but not FreeBSD.

	Right here you describe the crux of the problem - Windows does not
support a million printers and scanners perfectly, manufacturers go to great
lengths to support Windows, some lengths to support IOS and Android, lesser
lengths to support Linux desktops and generally no effort whatsoever to
support anything else.

	This is of course a perfectly valid commercial standpoint.

	The sad truth is that if you use something that the printer
manufacturers are not willing to go to great lengths to support then you
are best looking to more expensive equipment that supports documented
standards and using it, or doing what I do to support a Brother inkjet and
run a CUPS server under Linux (well actually a jail with a Linux userland)
and CUPS clients on the FreeBSD boxes.

	Yes it is a pain - but suggesting that the FOSS community has put
insufficient effort into achieving the impossible is not reasonable. If the
market is too small to be worthwhile for the manufacturers to support and
they are unwilling to release detailed documentation then nobody can do
anything about it.

	The seamless environment for printing, scanning, faxing and email
integration can be achieved but it is not effortless.

Steve O'Hara-Smith <steve at>

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