sym0 weirdness

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Sat May 2 17:16:42 UTC 2020

On 2020-05-02 13:08, Christoph P.U. Kukulies wrote:

>> With the cable connected and one device at the end of the bus (1,5m 
>> cable, internally terminated by the SCSI2D controller card),

Sorry if I deviate from your question, but what do you mean with 
"internally terminated"?
Do you have termination enabled on such device?

 > The ASUS SC-200 board isn’t recognized at all by the kernel.

IME using hardware from Asus is the best way to experience 
For example, I have several Tekram sym based controllers: they work on 
any motherboard but Asus's and their support staff was completely unhelpful.
Beyond that, the list would be long.


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