Xdm var/log/xdm.log
freebsd at edvax.de
Sat May 2 07:51:51 UTC 2020
On Sat, 2 May 2020 09:09:35 +0200, Per Hedeland wrote:
> On 2020-05-01 15:17, Polytropon wrote:
> > On Fri, 1 May 2020 07:56:27 -0400, Robert Huff wrote:
> >>
> >> Polytropon writes:
> >>
> >>> > > > Ok, I will add xsession.
> >>> > >
> >>> > > NB: .xsession (the dot is significant).
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Or you can do the following, as you said you already have
> >>> > > a .xinitrc (which xdm will ignore, as mentioned):
> >>> > >
> >>> > > % cp .xinitrc .xsession
> >>> >
> >>> > From my home directory:
> >>> >
> >>> > lrwxrwxr-x 1 huff huff 8 May 1 01:19 .xsession -> .xinitrc
> >>> >
> >>> > This implies you want the same environment from both.
> >>>
> >>> Will usually work, but doesn't keep C shell initialization
> >>> (environmental variables, aliases, settings), which might
> >>> not be a problem if you're not using the C shell for dialog
> >>> sessions or if you concentrate on GUI entirely. :-)
> >>
> >> Once I start X, I do pretty much everything within it. For the
> >> rest I console-switch.
> >> (And the first line of the file is "#! /bin/sh". :-) )
> >> What is there that one might wish to do that can't be handled out
> >> of an xterm?
> >
> > If I remember correctly, if you use xdm, and start an X terminal
> > inside the X session, your settings from .cshrc will not be in
> > effect due to the fact that the invoked shell is not a login shell.
> I believe you are confusing .cshrc with .login - .cshrc is read by
> *every* instance of [t]csh unless the -f option is used, while .login
> is indeed only read by login shells (and thus pretty much useless).
Yes, that's what "man csh" says... but decades ago it didn't
work. I remember that when using xdm with .xsession to launch
the user components of X, whenever I opened a terminal, my
C shell settings from .cshrc (!) weren't included, that's why
I invented the "cascading approach" for .xsession and .xinitrc.
That was a long time ago, but it still works.
I don't know how other display managers handle things. I did
not need that for slim, and I got rid of gdm quite quickly
because it didn't care for _any_ user configuration file (no
.xsession, no .xinitrc, no nothing).
> FWIW, while I use tcsh as my interactive shell, both my .xsession and
> .xinitrc have #!/bin/sh (as all scripts should:-), [...]
I think the #!/bin/sh in .xinitrc is just for the reader, because
the manual of startx says that it will use /bin/sh for execution
if .xinitrc regardless. However, it's not wrong and it doesn't
do any harm. Similarly, there is no mention that this file has
to be executable (+x attribute set), but again, it's probably
not wronger than the #!/bin/sh line... :-)
Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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