freebsd vs. netbsd

Valeri Galtsev galtsev at
Wed Jun 10 14:16:17 UTC 2020

> On Jun 10, 2020, at 5:35 AM, Jerry <jerry at> wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 21:19:58 -0500, Valeri Galtsev commented:
>> Thanks, Anatoli, again for details.
>> And again, it was Anatoli who gave full story, see his original 
>> enlightening post earlier in this thread. Something got screwed up on 
>> Jerry's side when he was replying Anatoli's message so it started 
>> looking as if it was I who provided references, which I can not take 
>> credit for.
>> Valeri
> I have come to discover the problem with my email and this thread.
> Apparently, due to the way I have my sorting rules set up, mail from
> "Valeri Galtsev" and "Anatoli" are being misplaced and out of order in
> this forum. For whatever reason, Valeri Galtsev and "Anatoli" have
> chosen to include me in there replies to this list; e.g.:
> From: Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at>
> To: Anatoli <me at>, freebsd-questions at, Jerry <jerry at>
> From: Anatoli <me at>
> To: freebsd-questions at, Jerry <jerry at>
> HINT: Valeri Galtsev, and Anatoli, I do not need to receive a separate
> email when you respond to a post, any post, on the FreeBSD Questions
> list. In fact, proper 'net etiquette, is not to include someone
> directly on an email forum reply unless they specifically request it.

Jerry, I’ll try to keep it in mind. It often is so that messages come addressed to a person and are merely CCed to the list. I have learned to “reply all” to avoid message going to just a person, but not to the list. I know, this is my laziness to blame which I will try to mitigate.


> Due to this behavior, I am missing one of Anatoli's replies to Donald
> Wilde in the "Optane Memory" thread. I'll probably find it eventually.
> -- 
> Jerry

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