FreeBSD (GhostBSD) Question?

Jacques Foucry jacques+freebsd at
Wed Jul 22 06:01:50 UTC 2020

Le mardi 21 juil. 2020 à 18:52:14 (-0400), Lonnie Cumberland à écrit:
> Greeting All,
> Although I am committed to now taking the plunge and go all of the way with
> the FreeBSD platform, I wanted to get a FreeBSD distro flavor that already
> had a desktop and I could just install while I work on this current FreeBSD
> related project that I am doing now.
> With that in mind, here is what I tried.
> 1. FreeBSD 12.1 (core iso) --- This one boos up great on my hardware but
> seems like it will take a bit of work to get a graphical environment setup,
> which I can do, but time is short right now.
> 2. FuryBSD --- This is supposed to basically be FreeBSD 12.1 with a
> graphical environment already setup, but for some reason, bot the KDR and
> XFCE (amd64) ISO's would not completely boot up and went to a blank screen.
> I could not even login on a non-graphical console. Strange.
> 3. GhostBSD --- This one also seems like they took the FreeBSD 12.1 iso and
> added a graphical frontend since I actually see it saying "Booting FreeBSD
> 12.1" as it comes up.
> To my surprise, GhostBSD seems to come up nicely.
> My question to the mailing list is this. Is it accurate to say that
> GhostBSD is just FreeBSD with a graphical environment added?
> I ask, because I want to stay with FreeBSD, but just do not want to spend
> the time right now setting up the GUI and fine tuning, so I am taking the
> lazy way for the time being and will come back at a later time to do a
> fresh FreeBSD install from scratch.

May be take a chance to nomadBSD ( I did use it, I made
my own laptop installation from FreeBSD. I explain it here (…

I know that you did not have time to make your setup :-)

Cheers and good luck.
Jacques Foucry

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