diff is a little diff -- erent

Doug Denault doug at safeport.com
Wed Aug 26 16:35:44 UTC 2020

On Wed, 26 Aug 2020, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 6:46 PM Doug Denault <doug at safeport.com> wrote:
>       On Wed, 26 Aug 2020, Polytropon wrote:
>       > On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 01:30:38 -0400 (EDT), Doug Denault wrote:
>       >> I do wonder why. Who is going to go to the effort to build/install
>       "base"
>       >> commands as various options are removed/changed? I can't wait to see
>       what
>       >> happens to cp, grep, find, and awk.
>       >
>       > If I remember correctly, grep already is BSD grep (with GNU grep
>       > being available via ports collection), and the same for awk (and
>       > gawk respectively). In most cases, the base commands implement
>       > the set of standard features, while the GNU commands have certain
>       > GNU extensions added which the standard does not require or even
>       > specify. This, and the licensing terms (BDSL / GPL) that apply.
>       >
>       Thanks, a perfectly reasonable response to my less than reasonable post.
>       Lost in my histrionics was my question. We have morphed from, "I will not
>       stop you from doing something stupid ..." to We are going to take away
>       some options that have been there for 25 years (that I know of) because
>       "?-----?". Having the blank filled in is what I was going for.
>       After all these years I do not know which of the scores of commands I use
>       are GNU versus BCD. The man pages probably says but I have enough trouble
>       remembering all the options in ls, find, and awk that I use, much less
>       are they GNU or not. As written in /usr/src, the change seems rather
>       arbitrary. My 'real' question: is there a reason to make this change?

> License of GNU software is GPL which is NOT a commercially usable license .
> For that reason , FreeBSD is clearing out the GNU software from its base system by
> replacing them with BSD licensed similar software developed by FreeBSD specialist
> volunteers without implementing unnecessary GNU extensions .

An unnecessary option is anything you are not using.

> To support FreeBSD user's operations using GNU software , such software parts are moved
> into ports which do not affect the license of base system usage .

Okay thanks for the explaination. Unless the lawyers tell you differently I 
doubt I have been breaking the law for the past 25 years. If so every linux 
in the world can be sued. There's a class action for you :) It was/is my 
understanding this applies to including such software in an appliance, say 
Xbox or whatever. I thought the licence difference dealt more with the BSD 
license allowing proprietary software to be included in said appliance.

Douglas Denault
doug at safeport.com
Voice: 301-217-9220
   Fax: 301-217-9277

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