very slight OT: creating a *bootable* MSDOS7 memstick

Karl Dunn kdunn at
Fri Aug 21 21:45:34 UTC 2020

This is probably not any help.  Just my two cents:

Google search for phison_flash_id.rar gave me (among a lot of other 

Google translated the page much better than I can.  The .exe you extracted 
(or maybe the .exe extracted from some other RAR of the same name) 
apparently will extract-exe-then-run on most flavors of Windows, probably 
in a "dos box".

You would, evidently, have to run some flavor of Window$ on the hardware 
in question.

Barring that, can you give this list some more detail about the hardware 
and what you are trying to do?

I get only the digest of this list, so if you want to discourse with  me 
specifically, please CC the address below.

Karl Dunn
kdunn at

> Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 11:12:56 -0400
> From: Aryeh Friedman <aryeh.friedman at>
> To: FreeBSD Mailing List <freebsd-questions at>
> Subject: very slight OT: creating a *bootable* MSDOS7 memstick
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAGBxaXmEu_B-jtuC6J7oN8QShwcVf5wR-BUc81ymH4NAwjMgPw at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I have a *.exe that needs to be run in order to recover the firmware on one
> of my SSD's that requires MSDOS7 to run.  I do not have a floppy drive and
> I do no have any form of anything from Microslut installed or even in the
> house.   How do I create a bootable memstick that contains this exe? (I am
> on FreeBSD 12.1pl8-amd64)
> -- 
> Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer,

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