OT: Dealing with a hosting company with it's head up it's rear end
Valeri Galtsev
galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu
Sat Aug 15 15:45:55 UTC 2020
> On Aug 15, 2020, at 10:07 AM, Jerry <jerry at seibercom.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Aug 2020 10:37:29 -0400, Aryeh Friedman stated:
>> On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 10:01 AM Jerry <jerry at seibercom.net> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 15 Aug 2020 08:59:52 -0400, Aryeh Friedman stated:
>>>> Says someone who refuses to help fix a bug because some hardware
>>>> vendor refuses to give them free equipment, even though the bug
>>>> affects equipment you already have.
>>> Your analysis is incorrect. I did in fact, rectify the problem.
>>> Coming to the realization that it would cost me both time and money,
>>> I choose a different path. Realizing that I could easily minimise
>>> the situation with a minimum of effort, I simply changed to an OS
>>> that did not suffer from the affliction and offered me more leeway
>>> in completing my job requirements.
>> So if you switched OS's, go troll some other list instead of one made
>> up of people who actually care enough about the tools they use to fix
>> the ones that are almost perfect instead of saying my hammer's handle
>> has a little dent in it thus I am going to burn it (making a lot of
>> noise about how evil the hammer is) and use a screwdriver handle to
>> bang a nail in.
> Your insistent whinny is directed at your hosting company, yet you
> continue to post on a forum that pertains primarily to an OS. Your
> supposed problem would be better directed at a forum dedicated to
> resolving you problems, imaginary or not.
> There are literally hundreds of sites that pertain to hosting
> available. You might want to try this one:
> https://forums.hostsearch.com/
>>> There is an old saying, "Piss poor planning on your part, does not
>>> constitute an emergency on my part." The simple fact that you failed
>>> to anticipate potential problems, either now or at some future date,
>>> is solely your fault.
>> Maybe it is because I am planning that I am bringing the issues up
>> before they become actual issues (or I guess you can't be bothered to
>> read the whole thread to see that).
> The issue(s), at least according to you, have already bite you in the
> ass. For the record, I have read all of the thread, including your 18
> and counting posts to that thread, all saying or relating to the same
> supposed issue, your inability to get a hosting company to kiss your
> ass. Poor Aryeh. "Aryeh" good, everyone else bad.
>> Very few problems cannot be cured with a minimum of effort.
>>> Unfortunately, all to many insist and cursing that darn night rather
>>> than lighting a small candle.
>> You just don't read, do you? If you did you would see that is exactly
>> what I was doing -- attempting to figure out where effort was worth it
>> (and which ones were unfixable but due to external stuff I am still
>> stuck with and have no option but to deal with them anyways). Not
>> taking the lazy way out and saying my hammer sucks and burning it.
>> Burning hammers causes more problems than it solves usually (like the
>> fire spreading to your entire workshop). Besides nails tend to break
>> screwdriver handles when used as hammers.
> You are really dense, Your options are quite clearly laid out.
> 1) Negotiate with the company.
> a) Since that has failed, move onto #2
> 2) Bring legal action
> a) So far you have failed to do that which indicates that either you
> have no legal basis for the action or you fear a counter suit that
> might implement you as culpable in some manner.
> 3) Failing to implement #2, move to a new hosting company that is
> either willing to implement your requirements of already embellishes
> them.
> As any real mechanic knows, if you don't have the tools you need on
> hand, whether from poor planning or whatever, you utilise the tools you
> do have on hand. A nail "may" break a screwdrivers handle, but if that
> nail saves a ship from shrinking, do you really think it is not worth
> it? Well, you might. I can just envision you sitting on the deck,
> crying like a wimp because you don't have a hammer to drive in the nail
> to seal the latch while the water flows in sinking your ship,
> all-the-while a screwdriver lays unused in your tool belt.
I agree with you, Jerry, and Rod. Basically, just out of human decency when one asks for help one is supposed to accept (and use or dismiss) suggestions, not bite back at everyone who payed an effort attempting to help. But hey, we all know several names on the list who are different, don’t we?
> --
> Jerry
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