less "there is no -l option"

moridin at mm.st moridin at mm.st
Fri Aug 14 17:11:39 UTC 2020

@lbutlr wrote:
> When executing the less I get an error from less:
> ce # less 20200814-093500.36786.2.trace
> There is no -l option ("less --help" for help)
> -  (press RETURN)
> then the less command continues
>   # which less
> /usr/bin/less
>   # less --version
> There is no -l option ("less --help" for help)
> less 530 (POSIX regular expressions)
> Copyright (C) 1984-2017  Mark Nudelman
> less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> For information about the terms of redistribution,
> see the file named README in the less distribution.
> Homepage: http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less
>   # echo "$LESS\n$PAGER\n$MANPAGER"
> less -esXFR

This is the source of the problem, LESS variable needs to contain only 
the options:

$ which less
$ less
Missing filename ("less --help" for help)
$ LESS="less -esXFR" less
There is no -l option ("less --help" for help)
Missing filename ("less --help" for help)

> less -esXFR
> less -esXFR
> This is new behavior in the last few days, and the less binary dates from nearly a year ago.

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