csh use of grep | tr commands

Arthur Chance freebsd at qeng-ho.org
Mon Aug 10 14:57:01 UTC 2020

On 10/08/2020 01:34, Ernie Luzar wrote:
> Double quotes are giving me trouble.
> I have a file with a line in it like this
> ip4=""
> I want to get just the ip address
> ip=`grep "ip4=" directory-path/file-name
> $ip ends up having ip4=""  in it
> ip=`echo -n "${ip}" | tr -d "ip4="
> $ip ends up having ""  in it
> Putting | tr """ " "` after the echo above gives error.
> How do I remove the " around the ip address?

Provided you're using sh (or bash) for your script

eval $(grep -e '^ip4=' /path/name)

will set the variable ip4 to the address. Try echo $ip4 afterwards to see.

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