Best way to make a machine boot with or without a Internet connection

Ernie Luzar luzar722 at
Sat Aug 8 16:54:38 UTC 2020

Polytropon wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2020 05:40:23 -0400, Jerry wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 21:19:45 +0200, Polytropon stated:
>>> On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 14:54:13 -0400, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 1:24 PM Mario Lobo <lobo at> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 6:20 PM Aryeh Friedman
>>>>> <aryeh.friedman at> wrote:
>>>>>> Due to storm related damage my ISP went out for a few (12) hours
>>>>>> earlier  
>>>>> in  
>>>>>> the week and while I got it usable without a Internet connection
>>>>>> by  
>>>>> putting  
>>>>>> everything in my LAN in /etc/hosts (I also run a local_unbound
>>>>>> --> local bind9 on my file server which I have created a zone
>>>>>> file for the LAN machines also), but it was very slow in booting
>>>>>> due to ntpdate, tomcat  
>>>>> and  
>>>>>> sendmail not being to connect to the Internet for either forward
>>>>>> or  
>>>>> reverse  
>>>>>> DNS.   I don't want to turn these services off, but I want to be
>>>>>> able to  
>>>>> do  
>>>>>> a normal boot (no long hangs) if the ISP goes down again.   What
>>>>>> is the best way to do this?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer,
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>>>>> This is a long shot but perhaps you could find a way to start these
>>>>> services in the background (&).
>>>> Given they are done by /etc/rc based on rc.onf not likely  
>>> The "problem" is that rc, in combination with rc.conf and
>>> the responsible rc.d/ scripts, determines the order in which
>>> certain services have to be started. A workaround would be
>>> to use /etc/rc.local to manually do what rc would do with
>>> its internal logic. Using this approach, you could set the
>>> exact order as well as tests for "is currently connected
>>> to the Internet", starting all subsequent tasks that do
>>> require an online connection. You would put the first
>>> steps into the background, using &, and you could then
>>> even invoke "service netif start" (or parts thereof),
>>> followed by your own services (such as ntp, webserver,
>>> mailserver). Such a mechanism could be configured to
>>> set a flag, for example stupidly simple as a "lock file",
>>> and repeat to test for Internet availability until the
>>> Internet becomes available - then stop. Some further
>>> logic could be added to check if the connection stays
>>> alive, and if it goes down, stop the services, remove
>>> the lock file, and keep trying at a specified interval.
>>> Of course, this is all manual stuff, nothing is provided
>>> by the OS to handle this in an appropriate fashion and
>>> doesn't even look right... ;-)
>> I saw something on the web a while ago that sort of addressed this sort
>> of problem. The user ran a script via cron on boot-up that checked for
>> a specific conditions then started 'monit' to start the appropriate
>> applications.
> If I remember correctly, systemd is _the_ tool to deal with
> this kind of situation... ;-)

Is systemd part of the base OS or a port?

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