eee-dee anyone?

Gary Aitken freebsd at
Fri Mar 29 06:48:33 UTC 2019

On 3/28/19 8:28 PM, Mike Jeays wrote:
> On 2019-03-28 9:50 p.m., Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
>> Are there still people on this list using the "ed" text-editor? If
>> yes, is it just for kicks? Or is there any real advantage over
>> "vi"? _______________________________________________ 
> It might occasionally be useful on a dysfunctional system that will
> not start properly, when it might be the only editor available. Other
> than this, I can't imagine any practical use for it. If vi is too
> hard, there is always nano.
I last used it in exactly that scenario.  I think I had to mess with a
munged /etc/fstab and a trashed disk.

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