IPW - U.S. Travel Association Attendee list 2019

Jeniffer John jeniffer.john at clienthubmarketing.com
Wed Mar 27 13:46:11 UTC 2019




Just following up. I know you're busy. Just give me a 1, 2 


1. Send pricing and data counts.

2. I could potentially use your solution, but in future.


Waiting for your response.


Jennifer John


From: Jeniffer John [mailto:Jeniffer.John at clienthubmarketing.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 2:38 PM
To: 'freebsd-questions at FreeBSD.org'
Subject: IPW - U.S. Travel Association Attendee list 2019
Importance: High




Would you be interested in IPW - U.S. Travel Association Attendee list 2019?
which includes complete contact details and verified email address.


Could you please let me know your thoughts? In turn, I'll get back with
counts and pricing details for your consideration.


Looking forward to hear from you.


Thanks and Regards!


Jeniffer John 

Marketing Coordinator

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