Unable to mount FAT16 partition (Invalid Argument)
Peter Erickson
redlamb19 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 01:43:07 UTC 2019
I'm hoping to get some assistance mounting a FAT (FAT16?) partition
created by the VMware ESXi installer (version 6.7.0). Every attempt to
mount it on 11.2-RELEASE-p4, results in an "Invalid argument" error,
without much to indicate what is wrong or how to resolve it. Any advice
or direction would be much appreciated.
# gpart show ada1
=> 34 16777149 ada1 GPT (8.0G)
34 30 - free - (15K)
64 8128 1 efi (4.0M)
8192 32 - free - (16K)
8224 511968 5 ms-basic-data (250M)
520192 32 - free - (16K)
520224 511968 6 ms-basic-data (250M)
1032192 32 - free - (16K)
1032224 225248 7 vmware-vmkdiag (110M)
1257472 32 - free - (16K)
1257504 585696 8 ms-basic-data (286M)
1843200 8386560 2 ms-basic-data (4.0G)
10229760 6547423 3 vmware-vmfs (3.1G)
# ls /dev/ada1*
/dev/ada1 /dev/ada1p2 /dev/ada1p5 /dev/ada1p7
/dev/ada1p1 /dev/ada1p3 /dev/ada1p6 /dev/ada1p8
# file -s /dev/ada1p5
/dev/ada1p5: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x3c+2, OEM-ID "MSDOS5.0",
sectors/cluster 8, reserved sectors 2, root entries 512, Media
descriptor 0xf8, sectors/FAT 250, sectors/track 32, heads 64, sectors
511968 (volumes > 32 MB), serial number 0x4e781016, label: "
", FAT (16 bit)
# mount -t msdosfs /dev/ada1p5 /mnt
mount_msdosfs: /dev/ada1p5: Invalid argument
While this isn't the drive I initially had the problem with, I have been
able to recreate it using VirtualBox.
# dmesg | grep ada1
ada1 at ata0 bus 0 scbus0 target 1 lun 0
ada1: <VBOX HARDDISK 1.0> ATA-6 device
ada1: Serial Number VB039c38ca-974cc97c
ada1: 33.300MB/s transfers (UDMA2, PIO 65536bytes)
ada1: 8192MB (16777216 512 byte sectors)
FWIW, knoppix has no issues mounting the partition, but I'd really be
interested in getting this to work on FreeBSD.
knoppix # mount | grep /dev/sdb5
/dev/sdb5 on /mnt type vfat
Based on the info from knoppix, I tried to mount the partition under
FreeBSD using mount_msdosfs directly and specifying the locale
(en_US.UTF-8) and codepage (CP850) , but the result was the same -
"Invalid argument."
Thanks in advance.
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