to jail or not to jail

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Thu Jun 6 16:47:33 UTC 2019

On 06/06/2019 05:41, David Mehler wrote:
> 1. how do I divide the /64 ipv6 address so that each jail can have an
> ipv6 address as well as an ipv4 address.

Just assign IPv6 addresses in much the same way as you'ld assign IPv4 
addresses.  The syntax in /etc/rc.conf or /etc/jail.conf is very similar 
to the IPv4 case, and pretty clearly explained in the man pages.

For traditional jails, you will need to assign addresses manually, but 
for vimage jails you should be able to use SLAAC.

The hard part about assigning IPv6 addresses is that you have so many to 
choose from.  There are many different schemes for IPv6 address 
assignment out there, but the one I like is just 'choose an address at 
random out of the /64 range.'  I wrote a small perl script to do just 
that many moons ago:



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