dead slow update servers

hw hw at
Mon Jul 15 15:35:16 UTC 2019

Steve O'Hara-Smith <steve at> writes:

> On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 00:44:52 +0200
> hw <hw at> wrote:
>> What is the point of doing this?  When you have hardware RAID, just use
>> it rather than ZFS.
> 	ZFS is a far better solution than hardware RAID and any other
> file system. The only reason for using hardware RAID is because you cannot
> use ZFS for some reason.

It's more like the only reason not to use hardware RAID is when you
don't have it.

ZFS is just another file system with its advantages and disadvantages.
That doesn't make it generally the best solution.

When you use Linux or any other system it doesn't integrate well with,
it's even one of your worst options.  When you run FreeBSD as a VM using
a file on the host as storage, ZFS may be your worst solution because it
involves some unnecessary overhead.

You could even say ZFS is generally the worst solution because it is
incompatible with common hard- and software.  Nonetheless, under the
right circumstances, ZFS can still be the best solution.  And why aren't
there any hardware ZFS controllers?

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