stopping bluetooth attempts to activate

Tobias Rehbein tobias.rehbein at
Tue Feb 12 05:41:52 UTC 2019

Am Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 05:13:27AM +0000 schrieb iam at
> i am getting the following message during boot;
> WARNING: attempt to domain_add(bluetooth) after domainfinalize()
> WARNING: attempt to domain_add(netgraph) after domainfinalize()
> i don't use bluetooth, and i don't know what netgraph is.
> how do i stop them from happening and hence throwing warnings?

How to disable bluetooth seems to be device dependent. On my Thinkpad
x230, with acpi_ibm(4) loaded, the following sysctl controls bluetooth:


In this case I disabled bluetooth with

	echo dev.acpi_ibm.0.bluetooth=0 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
	syctl dev.acpi_ibm.0.bluetooth=0

Best regards,


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