can pkg be told to ignore dependencies? php 7.2 instead of 7.1

Dale Scott dalescott at
Sun Oct 14 17:53:18 UTC 2018

Hi all, is there an easy way to tell pkg to ignore dependencies? I have a
single machine, no jails, and haven php 7.2 when phpvirtualbox insists on


Throwing caution to the wind and assuming 7.2 is backwards compatible in
enough ways that are important, can I force the install and see what breaks?


Going OT, should I learn the cli vboxmange commands instead? (I need to
import an OVF and set networking with port forwarding)


Or should I use bhyve? I saw a report that the OVF (provided by
in this case) would have to be converted using "qeum-image" to the "raw"
format used by bhyve. Is this (still) true?


Is there a  better way?





dale at whizzer:~ % sudo pkg install phpvirtualbox

Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...

FreeBSD repository is up to date.

All repositories are up to date.

The following 7 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):


New packages to be INSTALLED:

        phpvirtualbox: 5.2.0_1

        php71-session: 7.1.22

        php71: 7.1.22

        php71-xml: 7.1.22

        php71-simplexml: 7.1.22

        php71-soap: 7.1.22

        php71-json: 7.1.22


Number of packages to be installed: 7


The process will require 39 MiB more space.

6 MiB to be downloaded.


Proceed with this action? [y/N]: n

dale at whizzer:~ %


dale at whizzer:~ % uname -a

FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p4 #0:
Thu Sep 27 08:16:24 UTC 2018
root at  amd64

dale at whizzer:~ %


dale at whizzer:~ % php --version

PHP 7.2.10 (cli) (built: Sep 20 2018 01:15:17) ( NTS )

Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group

Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies


dale at whizzer:~ % pkg info | grep php

mod_php72-7.2.10               PHP Scripting Language

php72-7.2.10                   PHP Scripting Language

php72-bcmath-7.2.10            The bcmath shared extension for php

php72-bz2-7.2.10               The bz2 shared extension for php

php72-ctype-7.2.10             The ctype shared extension for php

php72-curl-7.2.10              The curl shared extension for php

php72-dom-7.2.10               The dom shared extension for php

php72-fileinfo-7.2.10          The fileinfo shared extension for php

php72-filter-7.2.10            The filter shared extension for php

php72-gd-7.2.10                The gd shared extension for php

php72-gettext-7.2.10           The gettext shared extension for php

php72-hash-7.2.10              The hash shared extension for php

php72-iconv-7.2.10             The iconv shared extension for php

php72-imap-7.2.10              The imap shared extension for php

php72-json-7.2.10              The json shared extension for php

php72-mbstring-7.2.10          The mbstring shared extension for php

php72-mysqli-7.2.10            The mysqli shared extension for php

php72-openssl-7.2.10           The openssl shared extension for php

php72-pdo-7.2.10               The pdo shared extension for php

php72-pdo_mysql-7.2.10         The pdo_mysql shared extension for php

php72-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.1        PHP extension for mcrypt, removed in PHP 7.2

php72-posix-7.2.10             The posix shared extension for php

php72-readline-7.2.10          The readline shared extension for php

php72-session-7.2.10           The session shared extension for php

php72-simplexml-7.2.10         The simplexml shared extension for php

php72-soap-7.2.10              The soap shared extension for php

php72-xml-7.2.10               The xml shared extension for php

php72-xmlreader-7.2.10         The xmlreader shared extension for php

php72-xmlwriter-7.2.10         The xmlwriter shared extension for php

php72-zip-7.2.10               The zip shared extension for php

php72-zlib-7.2.10              The zlib shared extension for php

dale at whizzer:~ %




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