FreeBSD boot manager customization for single-disk multiboot (4 x DOS)

Manish Jain jude.obscure at
Tue Oct 9 16:02:07 UTC 2018

On 10/09/18 12:14, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>> I suggest a better way than to use FreeBSD/Linux boot manager.
>> Create 1 primary partition + an EBR with 4 logical drives (with the 
>> primary partition at the beginning of the disk).
>> Install 4 x DOS/Win into the logical drives (all using the first 
>> primary partition as C:)
>> Finally and if needed, alter the boot.ini in C: as you wish.
>> Does that solve your problem, or compound it ?
> what is boot.ini? i don't remember something like this in DOS.

I would have thought C:boot.ini was the standard bootloader 
configuration file in DOS/Windows - it is, of course, standard in Windows.

Since Windows 98 would getting installed last, its boot manager should 
configure the boot environment correctly.

Manish Jain

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