ports: 11.2 install incompatible with portsnap?

RW rwmaillists at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 15 20:38:59 UTC 2018

On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 10:18:14 -0700
Gary Aitken wrote:

> root at breakaway:/usr/ports # portsnap update
> /usr/ports was not created by portsnap.
> You must run 'portsnap extract' before running 'portsnap update'.
> Note the next-to-last line:
>    /usr/ports was not created by portsnap.
> That may be true.  It was created during a sysinstall, but
> I don't know what the mechanism used to create it was.

As a general rule update tools should be allowed to start
with a clean directory unless you know for a fact that adopting a
exiting tree is harmless. 

portsnap keeps a hidden file in the ports directory that records what
it installed in that instance of the port tree - it need to be
there to perform an update.   

> Is this now normal?

I think it always was.

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