OT: good free email service?

Mike the.lists at mgm51.com
Sat Nov 10 16:19:46 UTC 2018

On 11/10/2018 8:21 AM, RW via freebsd-questions wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 20:13:18 -0500
> Mike via freebsd-questions wrote:
>> On 11/9/2018 3:52 PM, RW via freebsd-questions wrote:
>>> On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 12:56:18 -0500
>>> Mike via freebsd-questions wrote:
>>>> I have been using PrivateEmail for a few years with no issues.  I
>>>> use it with Thunderbird (POP3 and SMTP both over TLS, I've not
>>>> used the IMAP capability).
>>>> https://www.namecheap.com/hosting/email.aspx  
>>> One thing that put me off that is that it looks like the cheapest
>>> of the three accounts only supports 2 addresses on the domain
>>> (they specify 1 alias). 
>>> Do they allow that alias to be a catch-all?  
>> I am not sure where you see the "two addresses on a domain"
>> limitation.
>> I just looked at the webpage and do not see it.  Can you be more
>> specific?
> If you click on "Tech Specs" there's a table of feature and if you
> mouse-over the aliases "?" icon it says
>     "Maximum number of aliases for each mailbox. Alias is a forwarding
>     address. It doesn't have its own storage but forwards e-mails to
>     main e-mail address"
> If you are required to nominate a main address on your domain and can
> have one alias, that sounds like a limit of two addresses.

Ahhh... OK.

The $9.88 per year price is for one email mailbox and one alias.  You
can have multiple email mailboxes per domain.

I current pay two times $9.88 per year for two mailboxes in my domain.
Each of those mailboxes has the one main address and an alias.  One nice
aspect is that I can apportion the storage space as I want between the
mailboxes I purchased.

My understanding is that you can have as many email mailboxes per domain
as you are willing to pay $9.88 per year for.

Hope this helps.

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