Solved. Re: Dualboot and ZFS

Victor Sudakov vas at
Thu Mar 22 01:50:52 UTC 2018

Trond Endrest?l wrote:
> > > I configured some boot entries in the UEFI environment of my laptop, 
> > > one for each of rEFInd, Windows 10, and FreeBSD, and made the entry 
> > > for rEFInd the preferred one.
> > 
> > Why do you need rEFInd at all if your laptop's UEFI environment can
> > choose which OS to boot? 
> Unless I want to boot the default, I have to hit F12 every time I want 
> to boot something else. This is on a Dell Latitude E5530. If I could 
> persuade the UEFI boot firmware to always present its menu, I wouldn't 
> need rEFInd at all. It's nice to have something that presents me with 
> a menu and remembers what I chose the last time and selects that after 
> a configureable timeout. It's also nice to have additional means 
> readily available should rEFInd implode.

Trond, thanks for the enlightenment, I think I grasp the idea. Two
more questions if you please:

1. If I have more than one freebsd-ufs partition, how can I configure
boot1.efi (AKA /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI) to boot the loader from a
particular partition, not from the first one?

2. Why are /boot/boot1.efi and /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI (extracted from
boot1.efifat) so different, even different length? They are supposed
to be one and the same file, aren't they?

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

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