Hello(trouble with magic number)

Polytropon freebsd at edvax.de
Sat Dec 29 14:06:07 UTC 2018

On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 18:07:52 -0800, Jonathan Engwall wrote:
> I am trying to network centos, ubuntu, and dragonfly.

But that's not exactly a FreeBSD-related question. ;-)

> I have freebsd installed in a VM on virtualbox which is running on centOS.
> Ubuntu also runs in virtualbox on my centos.

Ah okay, not it makes more sense!

If that's the case, you've probably been successfully
using FreeBSD's VM-ready images.


One of those:


Which implies you already have FreeBSD up and running,
is that correct?

> The issue is really connectivity. I am having problems with telnet and ssh.
> At present all my VMs are receiving the same ip address.

How do you configure your addresses for the VMs? Are
they set up static, or do you use a DHCP server that
provides addresses for the VM instances? Check that
in the VirtualBox configuration tool.

If you do not have such a "local DHCP" service running,
manually enter each instance and set its IP manually,
for example for CentOS ("upper level"), for Ubuntu, for DragonflyBSD, and
finally for FreeBSD. There is nothing wrong
with such static configuration for virtual interfaces.
At least that's a good point to start. Then you can
add routing / NAT as needed, so the VM instances can
access the Internet. Check the corresponding items
in the VirtualBox configuration carefully.

How does your host system (CentOS) connect to the
Internet? That is probably the most important thing
to fix.

> Writing data to a usb to read with freebsd is only an exercise.

FreeBSD can read lots of filesystem types, no matter
if they are on USB, on CD or DVD, on SD cards, or on
hard disks or SSDs. For data exchange among different
systems, I usually suggest using tar (which is not a
filesystem, but every OS has a tar program, and it
will work with any medium).

So, for example, if you'd want to create a "data exchange
medium" to be used by Linux and FreeBSD, you could use
Ext-2 as a filesystem, because both systems understand
it well enough in a R/W manner. If you just want to
transfer data into "one directions" (write here, read
there), you can use tar. Yes, even with USB sticks.
As you're running the systems as VM instances, make
sure VirtualBox has USB support configured properly.

> The problem
> is mostly that I only have internet with my telephone right now.

That's terrible, I can understand.

> And about rufus: a very good utility for windows that writes bootable media.

Interesting, you didn't mention "Windows" before. Sure,
yes, "Windows" doesn't have a native tool to write
image files to media. But as I said: You'll have to
write the image 1:1, not "open" it and deal with its

Please see my previous suggestion for using dd, because
if you're running CentOS already, which is a Linux-type
operating system, just use its dd program as mentioned
in the handbook.

Of course, you probably _could_ write the FreeBSD VM image
to a USB stick and then create a VM instance from that,
but surely that's _not_ what you're trying to do... ;-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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