pkg-static upgrade -f segfaults

Scott Ballantyne boyvalue at
Thu Dec 20 17:00:48 UTC 2018

After doing a binary update to freebsd-11.2 -RELEASE-p7  I now get: a
very reliable segmentation fault. I followed the advice to upgrade
pkg first, but that hasn't improved the situation. Also using pkg directly
has the same results:

>Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
>FreeBSD repository is up to date.
>All repositories are up to date.
>Checking for upgrades (809 candidates):  16%
>swig13 has no direct installation candidates, change it to swig30? [Y/n]: y
>Checking for upgrades (809 candidates):  45%
>lvm39 has no direct installation candidates, change it to llvm35? [Y/n]: y
>Checking for upgrades (809 candidates):  45%
>lvm37 has no direct installation candidates, change it to llvm38? [Y/n]: y
>Checking for upgrades (809 candidates):  46%
>lvm34 has no direct installation candidates, change it to llvm40? [Y/n]: y
>Checking for upgrades (809 candidates):  89%
>emacs25 has no direct installation candidates, change it to emacs? [Y/n]: y
>Checking for upgrades (809 candidates):  93%
>clang36 has no direct installation candidates, change it to clang35?
[Y/n]: y
>Checking for upgrades (809 candidates): 100%
>Processing candidates (809 candidates): 100%
>Child process pid=42410 terminated abnormally: Segmentation fault

And all this just to run a new version of firefox ;)

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