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Polytropon freebsd at edvax.de
Sun Aug 19 18:53:36 UTC 2018

On Sun, 19 Aug 2018 18:08:06 +0000, Arturo Rafael Ramírez Briceño wrote:
> Can a firewall (for example pfsense) be used so that in a local
> network it prevents the nodes from being seen, [...]

What do you mean by "to be seen" in this context? To be seen from
where? Fron within the network, from an external source? Seen on
which layer (e. g., "seen" via TCP/IP, "seen" via ARP)?

Firewalls are often combined with NAT, so connections to the
outside appear "as one" whereas in reality they are translated
to the individual nodes as needed.

> [...] they share resources, [...]

Yes. This is a typical firewall configuration: Do not interfere
with the communication within a network, but apply rules for
traffic from the network to the Internet and back.

(Sidenote: Firewalls installed on computers of course can
apply rules to the communication of the nodes to each other
within the network, but it doesn't seem this is the scope
of your question.)

However, again "share resources" is not fully clear. What
resources? Shared how?

> [...] but that each node of that network does have access to
> the Internet?

Is that a requirement or the current status? Anyway, yes, a
regular firewall can achieve that.

> What is your suggestion about it?

Please express more clearly what you wish to achieve. If
possible, use established technical terminology (especially
for "to be seen"). :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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