Userland and kernel mismatch

Kaya Saman kayasaman at
Thu Aug 9 14:12:11 UTC 2018

If the 'userland' is messed up, try this:

1. fetch sources for whatever version of FreeBSD you are using.... 

2. build the same userland/kernel for it:

# cd /usr/src
# make buildworld
# make buildkernel

3. install:

# cd /usr/src
# make installkernel
# shutdown -r now
# cd /usr/src
# make installworld
# shutdown -r now

hopefully that should get you back in sync :-)



On 08/09/18 13:46, Robert Fitzpatrick via freebsd-questions wrote:
> I'm not sure how I messed up one server of mine, but hope someone can 
> suggest how it can be fixed. When I try to run pkg, I get this error:
> root at mx2:~ # pkg update
> /lib/ version FBSD_1.4 required by 
> /usr/local/lib/ not found
> It seems my userland is out of sync with the kernel:
> root at mx2:~ # freebsd-version -uk
> 10.4-RELEASE-p10
> 10.4-RELEASE-p10
> root at mx2:~ # freebsd-update fetch
> root at mx2:~ # uname -U
> 1000510
> root at mx2:~ # uname -K
> 1004000
> I've found posts suggesting how to correct the reverse of an older 
> kernel, but how could I fix this issue?

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