Unbound(8) caching resolver no workie on fresh install :-(

Frank Shute frank at woodcruft.co.uk
Sun Oct 15 23:57:29 UTC 2017

On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 04:30:25PM -0400, Jon Radel wrote:
> On 10/15/17 13:26, Frank Shute wrote:
> > the local IP of the box unbound is running on. ie. a local (what
> > used to be known as a 'Class C') address: 192.168.*.* or 10.*.*.* or
> > 176...etc. 
> No, still known as a private or RFC 1918 address.  Class C is something
> quite different.  As a matter of fact,
> is 256 Class Cs
> is 16 Class Bs
> is 1 Class A

Thanks for putting me straight Jon. From now on I'll use the correct
nomenclature. I can remember the number of that RFC.

> You are completely correct, however, that this is mainly of historical
> interest and has no immediate impact.  Even when RFC 1918 was published,
> referring to the addresses classes was referred to as an essentially
> obsolete "pre-CIDR notation."
> To bring some substance to this comment:  changing to
> "176...etc" is just asking for trouble, being wrong.

Quite right. My memory is not as good as I thought and in future I will
check my 'facts'.

We shouldn't have to know all this stuff nowadays as we're all meant to
have moved to IPv6 aren't we? ;)

> -- 
> --Jon Radel
> jon at radel.com




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