Cannot pkg upgrade WindowMaker 0.95.7 -> 0.95.8

Marco Beishuizen mbeis at
Mon Oct 9 16:42:34 UTC 2017

On Mon, 9 Oct 2017, the wise James Geering wrote:

> Ah ok thank you, so I think you mean I have to get explicitly the 
> windowmaker port using SVN ? and then build it locally?

If you want to use ports then you have to update your local portstree and 
build it locally. If you want to use the pkg then you have to wait until 
the windowmaker pkg arrives in the pkg repository.

Perhaps best thing to do first is to read the handbook about pkg/ports:


I'm going to give my psychoanalyst one more year, then I'm going to Lourdes.
 		-- Woody Allen

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