Building base source

Baho Utot baho-utot at
Sun Jun 11 01:30:20 UTC 2017

On 06/10/17 18:11, Polytropon wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Jun 2017 09:40:37 -0400, Baho Utot wrote:
>> On 06/09/17 23:23, Polytropon wrote:
>>> On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 16:01:25 -0400, Baho Utot wrote:
>>>> On 06/09/17 15:03, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>>>>> Baho Utot <baho-utot at> writes:
>>>>>> I am experimenting with building the base source.
>>>>>> What do I need to set (which knobs) to be able to build the base
>>>>>> source and have the binaries built into a home directory.
>>>>>> The source will be in /usr/src but I want all the binaries and all
>>>>>> other files produced by the build to goto in
>>>>>> /usr/home/FreeBSD/base/target.
>>>>>> Will it be a copy of want is installed in the / (root) filesystem?
>>>> I have already looked at that.  That is why I have the questions.  I
>>>> want to build the base as a user and have it install its stuff into a
>>>> subdirectory.
>>> There are two variables that you will need to set: the directory
>>> where the build happens, and the one where the result from that
>>> build will be written to. The solution is quite simple, and of
>>> course already present in the build infrastructure:
>>> Set MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX and DESTDIR to locations where your $USER
>>> has write access.
>> I want to build with a user so if I make a mistake ( very likely ) it
>> will not damage the running system.  I have found that make
>> installkernel and installworld requires root user because it sets the
>> user as root perms regardless of where the install is going.
> I think the main problem here is things like setuid; those
> tasks cannot be performed by a non-root user. Maybe you can
> check if a memebership in the groups wheel or operator is
> sufficient? In worst case, use su, sudo, or super (while
> having MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX and DESTDIR set to non-system
> locations).

The problem is that make installworld wants to chown to root:wheel which 
will not fly if you are not root.

The setuid may be an additional issue.  In linux one could still setuid 
will still not being root.

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