How to become official mirror in China now?

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Thu Feb 9 10:17:38 UTC 2017

On 2017/02/09 09:22, KLA Y wrote:
> In  here
> that you say the Freebsd "We are not accepting any new mirrors at this time.
> ".
> But you know,in China where has GFW,when we try to connect such as
> facebook,google is very defficult .And is so slow ---- 10KB/S.even lower.
> Many years ago,China has many mirriors .
> Cloud you help me ?

The reasoning behind the project not accepting new tier-1 mirrors is
that we need to be able to ensure that what the mirrors serve up is
correct, unadulterated and also made available at the right time when a
new release occurs.  Practically speaking that means we need to run the
official FTP servers on project-owned hardware under the control of the
project's own systems administration team.

While the project is not accepting any requests to become a new tier-1
mirror at this time, there is no problem with people creating their own
private mirrors.  Perhaps this would help your situation?

Although only achieving 10KB/s is going to put a damper on anyone's
attempt to download FreeBSD.



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