FreeBSD-11 - local_unbound logging

Datasmurf datasmurf at
Thu Aug 17 21:55:01 UTC 2017

On Thu, 17 Aug 2017 10:32:58 -0400
"James B. Byrne via freebsd-questions" <freebsd-questions at>

> So what is going on?  If I have a configuration issue with DNSSEC or
> with Unbound then I really need to discover what it is and fix it. 
> Otherwise I am left with the unsettling alternative that there is a
> serious bug in unbound.
> What is really bothering me is that restarting local_unbound makes the
> problem go away.  If this was a configuration issue then the problem
> should not disappear on a restart only to reoccur some time later.


Hello James,

i'm sure not an expert on unbound and dns/dnssec stuff. 
But on the Workstation on which unbound misbehaves could it be that
the system clock is not set correct? 



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