A seperate ZFS question

Paul Macdonald paul at ifdnrg.com
Fri Apr 28 13:23:57 UTC 2017

I fat fingered adding a cache drive and was unable to remove the SSD 
cache drive (ada2)

I added a 2nd SSD (ada3) for safety as i didn;t want to risk the pool at 
all and exporting wasn;t feasible in timescale.

Can someone explain :

             what i've actually managed to set up here (!),

             the ramifications of forceably offlining/removing ada2

             and if i should worry when ada2 gets full?

                  capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool          alloc   free   read  write   read  write
------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
zrootnew       692G   460G     15    174   351K  2.40M
   mirror       683G   237G     14    138   328K  1.43M
     gpt/zfs0      -      -      6     50   155K  1.44M
     ada1p3        -      -      7     50   176K  1.44M
   ada2        9.17G   223G      0     36  22.9K   989K
cache             -      -      -      -      -      -
   ada3        39.0G   194G     23      5   168K   264K

many thanks


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