Assistance with DNS diagnosis requested

James B. Byrne byrnejb at
Sat Apr 22 17:07:08 UTC 2017

I am having a problem with an ISP respecting a a network block that we
have been administrating since 1997.  I would like to enlist any of
you who care to assist in diagnosing the source of the problem.  I
have already done so to my satisfaction but I would value any second
opinions offered.

To avoid influencing the independence of other observations the
information I will provide is limited to: The address block assigned
to us is; Our name servers are
dns0{1...4}; And the fact that Harte & Lyne Limited is
the delegated NS authority for this network address block.

All I wish to know is what you determine the problem to be, what is
its cause, and how is it best remedied.

Thanks in advance.

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James B. Byrne                mailto:ByrneJB at
Harte & Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive              vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario             fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

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